Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I am a horrible grocery shopper.  We have a lot of options of stores around here and I try really hard for our family to eat as naturally as possible yet I don't have time to go to every store each week (nor the gas budget, speaking of money).  I know it takes time to become a savvy shopper so I'm finally putting in some effort because our grocery bills add up.  Last night I discovered a forum at organicgrocerydeals.com which has a bunch of message boards on information about eating naturally/organically (I do know those terms aren't interchangeable but you get the idea) as well as saving money and finding deals.  Already I've printed off a bunch of coupons on things we eat and use (this much I know - don't coupon on things you wouldn't normally get).  I'm excited to find some more sites and make this be a habit.  Now I just have to figure out how best to organize these coupons so they get used!  I'll keep you posted on my progress and add any other good sites I find.   

1 comment:

  1. Name: BroadBase Media
    Your email address: affiliates@broadbasemedia.com
    Subject: Working together.


    We manage the Affiliate Program for several websites that we think may be a great fit for you and your audience. These sites include www.ergobaby.com, www.orbitbaby.com and www.skyniceland.com. Please let us know if you would have some time to chat, or shoot us an email and we can discuss further.
    Thank you in advance

