Wednesday, April 27, 2011

favorite things - baby clothes

Let me just start by saying I am a middle class mama.  Many of my favorite things are based on having very little of it.  I suppose this makes them more special though, right?
One of my favorite brands of baby clothes is Tea Collection.  Their products are precious.  Not being much of a girlie-girl myself, I'm okay not having a girl baby to dress up - until I peruse through the Tea catalogue.  Luckily, their boy clothes are just as cute.  The colors they use in their clothing are beautiful - bold but muted earth tones.  The cottons are so soft.  Patterns and graphics are creative. J-bug has 3 Tea outfits, I'm sorry 4 - 2 of which were hand-me-downs from a neighbor, one was purchased for his baptism, and one I got on sale which I decided would be saved for Easter (you can see his picture in it below - finally a picture of J-bug!).
If you haven't discovered Tea yet, check them out. 
J-bug (with his new drum) in his Tea Collection Surfer-Stripe Romper


I live in a gray world.  By that I mean I don't see many issues as "black and white" so I say I live "gray."  Sometimes I feel like I don't have convictions because I try to weigh all my options and it often makes me feel like I'm floundering, or weak.  Slowly though I am trying to understand and accept this person that I am and the fact that I don't need to see things one certain way or another.  Wouldn't you call it "open-minded", maybe?  I also feel like I give many things lots of thought before I act which I think can lead to wiser decisions.  (By the way, for you Myers-Briggs people out there, I'm a Perceiver.)
This part of my personality has made parenting decisions extremely hard.  Not that others have it easier, but sometimes I wish I could make a decision and stick to it - not question my judgement or feel wishy-washy about the choices I make, or worry about what others might think.
I have a current example of this struggle in my life.  My son has slight torticollis, a head tilt.  I figure it happened in the womb, but it doesn't really matter.  The point is that when he was 4 1/2 months we started physical therapy.  During all this my intuition told me to also take him to the chiropractor (something I had thought of doing from the time he was born).  The pediatrician didn't recommend chiropractic care so I pushed that voice aside and went full force with PT.  Although his condition has improved greatly, his progress has plateaued and so a few weeks ago I finally took the plunge to find a chiropractor.  I don't see that either all PT or chiropractic care is 100% the correct choice.  I think they can both work together for the greater good, if you want to call it that.  It's not one way or another for me, it's both.  It's like the question: "This or that?" my answer is "yes."  I figured I found some balance with this solution but it's hard because the two, as much as they could compliment each other, often disagree.  I haven't told the PT that I am taking J-bug to the chiropractor because I don't even want to go there, and the chiropractor doesn't agree with all the PT choices (like yesterday, I decided that we will use a brace called a TOT collar that the PT made for us).  So I am in constant question of the things I choose.  I'm not sure how to not always feel judged, to stand firm in the choices I make.  It's a hard thing doing this in my own life, now I'm making choices for another being which complicates things all the more.  So, here I am, trying to not just find balance but embrace myself for living in the gray areas of life.
Are you "gray" or "black and white"?  How do you make your choices and not question?  

Monday, April 25, 2011


Well, as much as I should blog about something important with the title "Patience" I'm not.  I'm on here writing about something fairly materialistic -  how hard it is waiting for the iPhone 5.
We are Verizon customers.  I knew when the iPhone came to Verizon it wouldn't fit into our budget to buy one yet.  So, we were anticipating getting one for me for my birthday (which is in June).  Then rumors were out that the 5 would debut in July so it would definitely be worth it to wait.  Well, now it's rumored September.  So, what to do, right?  I was starting to think maybe I'll just get the 4 this summer.  Could I really wait until fall?  Yes, I can.  And now it's confirmed that I should wait because this cool blog, iPhone5rumors, that keeps itself up on the iPhone 5 (obviously), says that the 5 will possibly be re-designed even more that was previously thought.  The latest entry states things like a larger home button, larger display, re-designed body for easier handling, and they had already reported an even better camera than the 4 and larger memory (which is great because it would be needed with bigger photo sizes).
I'm very excited for September to arrive.  Or, at least the next Apple Keynote so we can get an exact date and pre-order!  I'll be here starting to save my pennies for sure.
I know it'll be worth the wait.  Patience pays off.  It makes you appreciate things more and it makes me feel proud that I can work for something and not need it all NOW.
In our society of instant-gratification, what is it that you are needing patience for??

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

favorite things - cloth diapers

We try to live as green as we can.  Although I'm sure my footprint is much bigger than many of the green mama's blogging around, I try my best and try to do my part and be aware of my actions.  One way we stay green with a new baby is cloth diapering.  Which is much less intimidating than you'd think. 
Right now my favorite cloth diapers for J-bug are his Knickernappies One-size diaper with the LoopyDo insert!  These are a pocket diaper.  You have the cover which actually has a pocket where you slide in whatever will absorb the things that com out.
Here are some reasons why I love them (you can get on their site to see more reasons why they're great too):
-adjustable rise so you can use the same diaper as the baby grows
-trim - I think fluff is cute but it's hard to handle when you're trying to fit clothes over cloth diapers
-inserts are very absorbent and you get 2 sizes so you can use the other for other pocket diapers or double them up
-snaps: side are easy to access, he can't undo them, they don't get caught on other laundry like aplex
-fun colors

My other favorite thing is Tiny Bubbles to wash these great diapers (there are many places to purchase)!  I ordered some samples from Kelly's Closet (love buying from this place and they have great information on their blog and Facebook site) and discovered this stuff is amazing.  When I open the laundry it has a totally neutral odor.  I am finally running low on detergent for my cloth diapers and will be ordering this soon!  Wow, you know you've arrived to motherhood when you're excited about detergent.
Email me if you have questions about CDing!  I plan on working on a guide that worked for me.  I know there are tons out there but I have found it all overwhelming and think streamlining some of that information might be helpful to others.  Cloth diapering is a fun hobby while you do the Earth some good and save some $!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

quote 4.19.11

Yes, two posts in one day.  Things have been a bit crazy around here.  We've been busy the past week and J-bug has had a bit of a cold so I guess the ideas have piled up a bit.
A couple weeks ago at my church's mom's group, the question of having a "life verse" was thrown out.  I'm not sure that I have one, or did.  I've been thinking a lot about this.  There are of course a few verses that I have filed away in my brain.  But a life verse to live by, to always retreat to - I'm not sure I have one of those.  I'm also not sure that a bible verse is considered a quote, but it's close enough for me.
One that touches me, that a musician at church wrote music to, is from John 14.  I have been pondering over claiming this one as my life verse, or at least one of them.  I do believe love and peace are the ways to heaven on earth; I think that is what God intends for us.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. -John 14:27


I am a horrible grocery shopper.  We have a lot of options of stores around here and I try really hard for our family to eat as naturally as possible yet I don't have time to go to every store each week (nor the gas budget, speaking of money).  I know it takes time to become a savvy shopper so I'm finally putting in some effort because our grocery bills add up.  Last night I discovered a forum at which has a bunch of message boards on information about eating naturally/organically (I do know those terms aren't interchangeable but you get the idea) as well as saving money and finding deals.  Already I've printed off a bunch of coupons on things we eat and use (this much I know - don't coupon on things you wouldn't normally get).  I'm excited to find some more sites and make this be a habit.  Now I just have to figure out how best to organize these coupons so they get used!  I'll keep you posted on my progress and add any other good sites I find.   

Saturday, April 9, 2011

quote 4.9.11

One of my favorites.  I think it's a good one to live by:
I did then what I knew how to do.  Now that I know better, I do better. ~Maya Angelou

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the submarines

Yesterday I received a reminder email about the release of the new album from The Submarines.  Yay!  I love this band.  A few years ago J (hubby*) went to see Aimee Mann in concert and she had an amazing opener.  Turned out it was this group, The Submarines.  I went home and immediately downloaded one of their albums and fell in love.  I also discovered they were the music of the iPhone 3 commercial - very cool (they ended up with their music on the 3GS commercial too).  Their music is fun and whimsical, varies piece to piece and the members seem like really cool, nice people.  We ended up seeing them a few months after that on tour and will again at the end of the month (check out their site for upcoming dates).
Since I was disconnected from technology the past couple days, I'm off to download now! 
*by the way, in case you were curious, J-bug and J do not share the same name - just happen to have the first same initial.

quote 4.6.11

Where you invest your love, you invest your life
-"Awake My Soul" by Mumford and Sons
J-bug and I spent a couple nights last minute with some college friends.  On the way home we listened to some Mumford and Sons (if you haven't listened to them, you ought to - amazing music and lyrics). 
As I listed I thought, ah, a quote once in a while in the blog would be some good variety.  I see and hear many good ones and now there's a place to keep track of them and share!
This one hit my heart today, especially after seeing good friends.  It's one to remember.  Love rules all and really is one of the most important things here on earth.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I never learned how to juggle things in my hands. I've tried, you know in PE and such long ago, but it was never anything I felt I needed to pursue. It's not an easy skill to learn.

But then, here I am this morning, trying to pack for a couple-night trip with my little guy on my own and I realize I have learned to juggle and it might be more impressive then juggles bowling pins on fire. Laundry loads in and out, baby crawling around in a still somewhat-non-baby-proofed house, eating breakfast, organizing what to bring, renting a car at the last minute, needy pets - I could go on but I think you understand.

In moments like these I try to remind myself how far I've come from those overwhelming days last summer when my son was teeny-tiny. It's easy for me to become overwhelmed. I like things laid back, not hurried so when things start bustling I tend to shut down a bit. Motherhood forces you to push your boundaries more than I would have thought. People think it's a breeze - especially if you stay at home - but there's so much to learn from the experience. This blog really is a bit of a selfish endeavor. Lately I have felt the need to seriously search my heart so that I remind myself of the strength I have to hold it together and do new things. There are days I don't know how I'll do it all, and yet I do. You have those too but we forget to stop (stop? what's that?) and reflect in those rare quiet moments that we can and will do it. Take a moment with me to think about your past day, week, month and all you've accomplished. You'll impress yourself. Now, let's look at the present and future with confidence, smile, and start juggling with grace and strength.

Friday, April 1, 2011


So as to not go on and on, this is what I put for my "about me" statement: wife, new mama, former teacher, friend living in atlanta, ga. trying to figure it all out and keep my balance.

It's hard to define who we are, and it changes so much as our lives change. I wonder how often it's not denial that keeps us from seeing or wanting change, but that it can happen so fast we don't understand what just happened. This is how I felt last summer after having J-bug (nickname for my son who was born at the end of June - more on him later). It is truly amazing how in a matter of hours or minutes the person we define ourselves as changes, drastically.

Plus what does what I am have to do with who I am, what I love, and my passions? Reflecting on my "about me" it really doesn't tell you what's in my heart, things I ponder, so maybe I'll tweak it. Until then here's more "about me": I love to travel. We don't have an endless budget so we can't all the time, but our goal as a family is to have amazing experiences together. I like to cook and love food. We live in a city where it's easy to get a great meal at a reasonable price. I by no means claim to be a foodie or expert, but I do think my palate has changed in recent years and I've become somewhat of a food snob. I scrapbook, wow that feels like a deep dark secret. It is an artistic challenge for me to get things just right. I'm not type-a but this is where a perfectionist side comes out in me. It's nice to put my photos into a story. I like to be outside and enjoy nature. I enjoy reading. I'm not extremely disciplined on this, but I do love a good book and have found a new interest in non-fiction and historical fiction (oh wait, I'm not really disciplined about much).

It's scary to put who you are "out there". I respect a lot of people for doing that. I think sometimes it's one way to gain some clarity on who we are, what we want, what are strengths and weaknesses are and accepting each part of us. Maybe that's why I'm doing this - trying to figure it all out while keeping my balance.