Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I live in a gray world.  By that I mean I don't see many issues as "black and white" so I say I live "gray."  Sometimes I feel like I don't have convictions because I try to weigh all my options and it often makes me feel like I'm floundering, or weak.  Slowly though I am trying to understand and accept this person that I am and the fact that I don't need to see things one certain way or another.  Wouldn't you call it "open-minded", maybe?  I also feel like I give many things lots of thought before I act which I think can lead to wiser decisions.  (By the way, for you Myers-Briggs people out there, I'm a Perceiver.)
This part of my personality has made parenting decisions extremely hard.  Not that others have it easier, but sometimes I wish I could make a decision and stick to it - not question my judgement or feel wishy-washy about the choices I make, or worry about what others might think.
I have a current example of this struggle in my life.  My son has slight torticollis, a head tilt.  I figure it happened in the womb, but it doesn't really matter.  The point is that when he was 4 1/2 months we started physical therapy.  During all this my intuition told me to also take him to the chiropractor (something I had thought of doing from the time he was born).  The pediatrician didn't recommend chiropractic care so I pushed that voice aside and went full force with PT.  Although his condition has improved greatly, his progress has plateaued and so a few weeks ago I finally took the plunge to find a chiropractor.  I don't see that either all PT or chiropractic care is 100% the correct choice.  I think they can both work together for the greater good, if you want to call it that.  It's not one way or another for me, it's both.  It's like the question: "This or that?" my answer is "yes."  I figured I found some balance with this solution but it's hard because the two, as much as they could compliment each other, often disagree.  I haven't told the PT that I am taking J-bug to the chiropractor because I don't even want to go there, and the chiropractor doesn't agree with all the PT choices (like yesterday, I decided that we will use a brace called a TOT collar that the PT made for us).  So I am in constant question of the things I choose.  I'm not sure how to not always feel judged, to stand firm in the choices I make.  It's a hard thing doing this in my own life, now I'm making choices for another being which complicates things all the more.  So, here I am, trying to not just find balance but embrace myself for living in the gray areas of life.
Are you "gray" or "black and white"?  How do you make your choices and not question?  

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