Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I had to learn how to spell it. Not that I didn't know, but it's one of those I can never quite remember all of the nuances of so I always ended just abbreviating - misc. You know you have a few of those too. I've become a decent speller - should have in elementary school but for me it didn't really happen until I became a serious reader and teacher who had to teach little ones to spell. Yeah, that's a reflection on our education system, and also another post. So, now I know MISCELLANEOUS. It's really not that hard.

Here's how Merriam-Webster defines miscellaneous:
: consisting of diverse things or members : heterogeneous
a : having various traitsb : dealing with or interested in diverse subjects miscellaneous — George Santayana>
That's what this blog is about: a miscellany of topics. I kept thinking, "Ooh, I could blog that", "or this" but none of it had a theme except that it was what was going on with me - a wife and new mama trying to find her way and figure it out while keeping some balance.